# -*- Python -*- import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import lit.formats import lit.util from lit.llvm import llvm_config from lit.llvm.subst import ToolSubst from lit.llvm.subst import FindTool # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner. # name: The name of this test suite. config.name = 'debuginfo-tests' # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. # # For now we require '&&' between commands, until they get globally killed and # the test runner updated. config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell) # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m'] # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. config.excludes = ['Inputs'] # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. config.test_source_root = os.path.join(config.debuginfo_tests_src_root) # test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run. config.test_exec_root = config.debuginfo_tests_obj_root llvm_config.use_default_substitutions() tools = [ ToolSubst('%test_debuginfo', command=os.path.join( config.debuginfo_tests_src_root, 'llgdb-tests', 'test_debuginfo.pl')), ToolSubst("%llvm_src_root", config.llvm_src_root), ToolSubst("%llvm_tools_dir", config.llvm_tools_dir), ] def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) if attr_value == None: lit_config.fatal( "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " "to lit.site.cfg " % attr_name) return attr_value # If this is an MSVC environment, the tests at the root of the tree are # unsupported. The local win_cdb test suite, however, is supported. is_msvc = get_required_attr(config, "is_msvc") if is_msvc: config.available_features.add('msvc') # FIXME: We should add some llvm lit utility code to find the Windows SDK # and set up the environment appopriately. win_sdk = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/' arch = 'x64' llvm_config.with_system_environment(['LIB', 'LIBPATH', 'INCLUDE']) # Clear _NT_SYMBOL_PATH to prevent cdb from attempting to load symbols from # the network. llvm_config.with_environment('_NT_SYMBOL_PATH', '') tools.append(ToolSubst('%cdb', '"%s"' % os.path.join(win_sdk, 'Debuggers', arch, 'cdb.exe'))) # clang_src_dir is not used by these tests, but is required by # use_clang(), so set it to "". if not hasattr(config, 'clang_src_dir'): config.clang_src_dir = "" llvm_config.use_clang() if config.llvm_use_sanitizer: # Propagate path to symbolizer for ASan/MSan. llvm_config.with_system_environment( ['ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH', 'MSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH']) llvm_config.with_environment('PATHTOCLANG', llvm_config.config.clang) llvm_config.with_environment('PATHTOCLANGPP', llvm_config.use_llvm_tool('clang++')) llvm_config.with_environment('PATHTOCLANGCL', llvm_config.use_llvm_tool('clang-cl')) # Check which debuggers are available: built_lldb = llvm_config.use_llvm_tool('lldb', search_env='CLANG') lldb_path = None if built_lldb is not None: lldb_path = built_lldb elif lit.util.which('lldb') is not None: lldb_path = lit.util.which('lldb') if lldb_path is not None: config.available_features.add('lldb') # Produce dexter path, lldb path, and combine into the %dexter substitution # for running a test. dexter_path = os.path.join(config.debuginfo_tests_src_root, 'dexter', 'dexter.py') dexter_test_cmd = '"{}" "{}" test'.format(config.python3_executable, dexter_path) if lldb_path is not None: dexter_test_cmd += ' --lldb-executable {}'.format(lldb_path) tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter', dexter_test_cmd)) # For testing other bits of dexter that aren't under the "test" subcommand, # have a %dexter_base substitution. dexter_base_cmd = '"{}" "{}"'.format(config.python3_executable, dexter_path) tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter_base', dexter_base_cmd)) tool_dirs = [config.llvm_tools_dir] llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tools, tool_dirs) lit.util.usePlatformSdkOnDarwin(config, lit_config) # available_features: REQUIRES/UNSUPPORTED lit commands look at this list. if platform.system() == 'Darwin': import subprocess xcode_lldb_vers = subprocess.check_output(['xcrun', 'lldb', '--version']).decode("utf-8") match = re.search('lldb-(\d+)', xcode_lldb_vers) if match: apple_lldb_vers = int(match.group(1)) if apple_lldb_vers < 1000: config.available_features.add('apple-lldb-pre-1000')