// RUN: clang-tidy %s -checks=-*,google-readability-casting -- \ // RUN: -xobjective-c++ -fobjc-abi-version=2 -fobjc-arc | count 0 // Note: this test expects no diagnostics, but FileCheck cannot handle that, // hence the use of | count 0. bool g() { return false; } enum Enum { Enum1 }; struct X {}; struct Y : public X {}; void f(int a, double b, const char *cpc, const void *cpv, X *pX) { typedef const char *Typedef1; typedef const char *Typedef2; Typedef1 t1; (Typedef2)t1; (const char*)t1; (Typedef1)cpc; typedef char Char; char *pc; Char *pChar = (Char*)pc; (Char)*cpc; (char)*pChar; (const char*)cpv; char *pc2 = (char*)(cpc + 33); const char &crc = *cpc; char &rc = (char&)crc; char &rc2 = (char&)*cpc; char ** const* const* ppcpcpc; char ****ppppc = (char****)ppcpcpc; char ***pppc = (char***)*(ppcpcpc); char ***pppc2 = (char***)(*ppcpcpc); char *pc5 = (char*)(const char*)(cpv); int b1 = (int)b; b1 = (const int&)b; b1 = (int) b; b1 = (int) b; b1 = (int) (b); b1 = (int) (b); Y *pB = (Y*)pX; Y &rB = (Y&)*pX; const char *pc3 = (const char*)cpv; char *pc4 = (char*)cpv; b1 = (int)Enum1; Enum e = (Enum)b1; int b2 = int(b); int b3 = static_cast(b); int b4 = b; double aa = a; (void)b2; return (void)g(); } template void template_function(T t, int n) { int i = (int)t; } template struct TemplateStruct { void f(T t, int n) { int k = (int)t; } }; void test_templates() { template_function(1, 42); template_function(1.0, 42); TemplateStruct().f(1, 42); TemplateStruct().f(1.0, 42); } extern "C" { void extern_c_code(const char *cpc) { char *pc = (char*)cpc; } } #define CAST(type, value) (type)(value) void macros(double d) { int i = CAST(int, d); } enum E { E1 = 1 }; template struct A { // Usage of template argument e = E1 is represented as (E)1 in the AST for // some reason. We have a special treatment of this case to avoid warnings // here. static const E ee = e; }; struct B : public A {}; void overloaded_function(); void overloaded_function(int); template void g(Fn fn) { fn(); } void function_casts() { typedef void (*FnPtrVoid)(); typedef void (&FnRefVoid)(); typedef void (&FnRefInt)(int); g((void (*)())overloaded_function); g((void (*)())&overloaded_function); g((void (&)())overloaded_function); g((FnPtrVoid)overloaded_function); g((FnPtrVoid)&overloaded_function); g((FnRefVoid)overloaded_function); FnPtrVoid fn0 = (void (*)())&overloaded_function; FnPtrVoid fn1 = (void (*)())overloaded_function; FnPtrVoid fn1a = (FnPtrVoid)overloaded_function; FnRefInt fn2 = (void (&)(int))overloaded_function; auto fn3 = (void (*)())&overloaded_function; auto fn4 = (void (*)())overloaded_function; auto fn5 = (void (&)(int))overloaded_function; void (*fn6)() = (void (*)())&overloaded_function; void (*fn7)() = (void (*)())overloaded_function; void (*fn8)() = (FnPtrVoid)overloaded_function; void (&fn9)(int) = (void (&)(int))overloaded_function; void (*correct1)() = static_cast(overloaded_function); FnPtrVoid correct2 = static_cast(&overloaded_function); FnRefInt correct3 = static_cast(overloaded_function); } struct S { S(const char *); }; struct ConvertibleToS { operator S() const; }; struct ConvertibleToSRef { operator const S&() const; }; void conversions() { //auto s1 = (const S&)""; auto s2 = (S)""; auto s2a = (struct S)""; auto s2b = (const S)""; ConvertibleToS c; auto s3 = (const S&)c; auto s4 = (S)c; ConvertibleToSRef cr; auto s5 = (const S&)cr; auto s6 = (S)cr; }